"The monk came to the room and said," Brother Ji, what’s your name? "Dude said," You know my surname Ji and you ask me your surname?

"The monk said," I think you look like Ji. I really guessed. "Dude said," What food does Master want to eat?
"The monk said," What do you have? "The man said," You have everything you want. "The monk said," There is no difference between fried tofu, braised tofu, dried tofu and shredded tofu.
We’re in charge of the kitchen, and people invited us to the wedding, and even the guys borrowed it. It’s unexpected to have chickens, right
"The man said in his heart," Strange, this is what I just told them. Why did the monk say this?
"Jigong replied," I’ll save you the trouble! "Dude said," Not everything you want.
"The monk said," I want three pots of wine and two kinds of ready-made lai. "The man promised to shout," Three pots of sea fans are for nothing.
"The monk said;" The man was shocked when he heard the word "three pots of sea fans". It’s amazing. The monk may understand.
"Dude, just say it if you want." Monk, what do you mean by "Hai Hai Mi Zi"? "The monk said," Are you reasonable?
You said to ask me, and I’ll ask you. What do you mean by "Hai Hai Mi Zi"? "man thought for a moment and said," I didn’t say it was better to drink.
"The monk said," I want good wine, too. "Dude then brought the dining tables outside. The monk took the flagon and looked at it for a long time and said," Dude, drink it!
"The man said," I don’t drink. "The monk said," Lao Du and Lao Chai drink. "Chai and Du each took a pot, and all three drank three pots and fell over.
The man told Wang Gui that "the three people in the room have been restrained", and Wang Gui said, "So that we can take revenge and kill them first and then get rich."
"Lead people to go straight to the east wing with steel knives to kill Lei Ming, and Cat hurried to the east wing window and couldn’t find the east door." Wang Gui said, "Dude, how can I find the east door?
"Dude said," Is it weird that I can’t find my way either? "Wang Guiyi said in a hurry," Let’s go to the room to kill the monk first and then take revenge.
"Then they went straight to Fang Ji and said," I’ll do it. "As soon as he entered Xili, the monk squeaked his teeth and startled Ji Fang. He couldn’t move there.
Wang Gui was angry when he saw JiFang holding a knife outside and didn’t kill him. "I told you to kill him. Did you scare people with a knife?"
"Wang Gui himself took a knife and went in to kill the monk. He just took a knife and the monk’s hand pointed to Wang Gui.
The monk said, "Good thing, you want to kill me. I’ll let you know that I’m good when I turn around." The monk stopped several guys outside with one finger.
The monk pushed the door and went in to take out a piece of medicine, helped Lei Ming and Cat up, and poured the potion into them.
When they were young, they woke up and opened their eyes. When they saw Jigong kneeling and kowtowing with thunder in front of them, "My brother was ignorant that I hurt your old man’s house, and your old man didn’t hold grudges, but he came to save me. It’s really generous of my brother to accompany the holy monk!
"The monk said," You don’t accompany me. My two squad leaders told people to take antiperspirant to live in the room. I’ll give you two pills and you go and save them.
They want to ask you this and that. "Lei Ming and Justin Chen nodded and the monk still went back to his room to lie down and sleep.
Cat and Lei Ming came to the room to rescue Chai Tou and Du Tou. The two squad leaders opened their eyes and said, "Where did you come from?
"Lei Ming said," We came here from thousands of people to stay in the hotel, but we couldn’t call the door. The two of us rushed into the room to see their store and hurt you. We arrested him and rescued you two.
"Chai Tou and Du Tou saw that the monk was still asleep. The two squad leaders were so angry that Chai Tou said," Good!
The monk will still tell us to stay in a thief’s shop. If it weren’t for you two, we would be dead. You two take medicine to save the monk and ask him.
"Cat said," There’s no medicine, "the monk said." Can’t an asshole hit me in the waist and take out a piece of medicine and put it in my mouth?
"Lei Ming and others all laughed and said," You four go out first, and I will repay the young crop god. "Four people went out to see the monk. First, they took a handful of dry wood and added oil to the side fire. How can they see the flames rising in an instant?
There is praise that the south is far from fire, and it is difficult to occupy the palace in the hot building with human feelings.
Rolling red light suddenly turns the sky upside down; For example, on the flat fire mountain, everyone was in a hurry at once. When everyone looked at the fire on all sides, they heard Jigong shouting inside, "Oh, come on, save someone!"
I can’t get out! It’s burning me! "When everyone outside heard about it," Jigong couldn’t get out.
"Lei Ming is a warm-hearted man. When he heard Jigong shouting, he thought to himself," My medicated wine harmed the monk and he didn’t hold a grudge. He came to the store and caught the thief and saved me. Finally, he was generous.
Now I see Jigong burned to death in it. I’m sorry for the monk. I should risk my life and break into the fire to rescue Jigong. It’s the only way to repay kindness.
"If you want to go into the fire, you will rush, jump and jump to see the monk inside. It is a deliberate attempt to try these men’s hearts.
Lei Ming jumped into it and said, "Master, don’t worry. Your old man fell on his brother’s body. I’ll carry your old man out."
"The monk said," Okay, come and carry me. "Lei Ming squatted down to the ground, and the monk picked up Lei Ming’s body. He took up the wall and jumped up and down, and a dozen monks fell into the fire, and even Lei Ming and his monks jumped up and down to hide from the fire.
The monk said, "You can’t carry me?" Lei Ming said, "Master, it’s good that you don’t pay attention to falling."
"The monk said," Don’t fall into that line. "Lei Ming picked up the monk again, and he just lived for a while, and the monk said," Election decree!
"Huhuyouyou even thundered in the middle of the cat, Chai Tou and Du Tou went straight up at the sight of thunder carrying a monk.
Lei Ming was terrified out of her wits and said, "Master, you’re going to fall and die. You’re going to make a paste."
"The monk said," Don’t worry about it, don’t forget to say, "I’m going to make a decree," and I’m going to be down-to-earth for a while; I didn’t hold it either
Lei Ming frightened the monk, and his heart jumped with sweat, saying, "Master scared me."
"The monk said," I will take you to visit the Jade Emperor. You are not that lucky. Let’s go!
Let people see later that we set fire to rob and then let’s do it. "Cat said," Let’s go for you and me.
"Four people walked out of the village with the monk, and Cat said," Second brother, I have a word with you. You three go ahead.
"The monk said," The two squad leaders let’s walk in the head. The two of them want go to the lavatory. "Cat and Lei Ming stopped and Lei Ming said," What did the third brother ask me to do?
"Chen Liang said," Shall we go with Master or go for a change? "Thunder is a rectal Chinese saying" You can walk alone or with Master, so what’s the matter?
"Chen Liang said," second brother, you really don’t have the heart to say that flying over the eaves and climbing over the wall can steal the ingenious knife, stick, gun, long fist and short stroke, and martial arts. Second brother is better than me. I’m not as good as you. You are not as good as me.
Do you think Master took two squad leaders to get Hua Yunlong? Did we follow Master to meet Hua Yunlong to help Master get Brother Hua Er or to help Second Brother fight with Master?